Cancer is one of the main causes of death in Romania, and the Covid-19 pandemic has made the situation worse
Younger generations seem to have lost any interest in reading
After last year's shocks, 2021 seems to find employees calmer and more prepared.
The aftermath of working from home
Romanian pupils and the international assessment tests
27% of the Romanian children and teenagers say that, on a regular school day, they spend more than 6 hours online
Are we already living in a ‘brave new world as imagined by Aldous Huxley in early 20th century or are we just going in that direction?
The expression 'fake news' has become a part of our basic vocabulary, whether correctly understood or not
Romania, like all member states of the EU, was supposed to run a census this year for people and households
The pandemic has hit hard all social and economic sectors, including the cultural one
Awareness-raising health education school programmes
The notions of social entrepreneurship and social economy have been well received in Romania