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A threat that can no longer be ignored: drug-using children

Not just new legislation, but more awareness is needed to keep this growing phenomenon in check.

Credits: Markus Spiske / unsplash.com
Credits: Markus Spiske / unsplash.com

, 08.01.2025, 14:00

May 31 will mark the National Drug Risk Awareness Day, according to a bill recently adopted in the Chamber of Deputies in Bucharest. According to MP Brian Cristian from Save Romania Union (USR), the pro-European parliamentary opposition, a symbolic day of awareness concerning drug use does not solve an acute problem of our society. One in 10 young people in Romania and a quarter of high school students have used drugs at least once, according to figures made public by authorities and media representatives, Brian Cristian says. This is what decades of bad public policies in the anti-drug field have to show for, this is what the Romanian state’s powerlessness in the fight against major drug traffickers shows, the MP further notes. According to him, “young people are treated like criminals, and the big traffickers get away with it”. “Concrete anti-drug measures are needed, not a symbolic day,” the USR deputy argues. “Without effective prevention programs, without resources for youth programs and counseling, without sufficient resources for sports, which represent a good alternative for spending free time, Romania will continue to lose the fight against drugs”, the USR deputy also said.


Indeed, the reality on the ground is staggering: 12-year-old children have already used drugs which they bought from dealers, without being aware of the devastating traces that these substances leave in their brains. Primary care physician and toxicologist Radu Țincu told a specialized conference that as many prevention and awareness programs as possible are necessary, given that most young people are not aware of the devastating effects of such substances:


“The consumption of psychoactive substances at such a young age, in the context in which the central nervous system is not fully developed, will damage the neurocognitive area, resulting in behavioral disorders, thinking disorders, attention disorders, some of which may be irreparable. Also, drug use during adolescence increases the risk of developing a mental illness in adulthood, which again raises big questions from a social perspective. What will society look like if young people have mental disorders or behavioral disorders? If we talk about overdoses and intensive care, up to 20-30,000 EUR can be spent on each case, and subsequently, treatment in a detox psychiatric center costs up to 10,000 EUR per individual”.


One of the anti-drug programs carried out in 2024 in Romania was “Choose to choose – An Arts Caravan to prevent drug use”, implemented by the non-governmental Association “E ceva bine” and financed by the Interior Ministry through the National Anti-Drug Agency. Carried out in 9 cities in northeastern Romania, in the counties of Botoşani, Neamţ and Vaslui, the project sought to raise awareness and educate young people aged 12-25, as well as their parents, concerning the risks of drug use. The project aimed to build confidence and resilience in children and young people at risk, as well as their parents, through leisure activities as an alternative to drug use. The program taught children about choice and urged them to express their feelings through art, but also through other non-formal educational activities. 8,000 young people benefited from this program.


What is the best way to proceed for a young person or a child who is starting to use drugs? Iulian Văcărean, president of the “E ceva bine” Association:


“I think the most important thing is to let the people who are with you know, because parents, teachers and those who really care about you will always help you feel at ease in your skin and choose what’s best for you”.


The team of specialists also traveled to Suceava County, where they spoke to students, parents and teachers from schools in the municipality of Fălticeni, anti-drug expert Cătălin Ţone, a permanent collaborator of Radio Romania, has told us:


“Radio România Actualități, together with other partners, continues an anti-drug campaign launched about two years ago. We travel around the country, carry out preventive activities with students, parents and teachers. Everything is interactive, we give them prizes, we encourage them to talk. We believe they can no longer learn certain things. We are trying to break away from the barriers related to the classic area of ​​preventive activities, which often do not have the desired effect. We have noticed conceptual changes, they have started to talk to us. We come here bringing good news about the legislative package, especially in the area of ​​control, increasing penalties, creating a register of drug traffickers, without suspended sentences. Another piece of good news is the fact that a draft law was promulgated four months ago regarding the establishment of eight centers for the treatment of drug addiction. There is also a lot of talk about the restructuring of the National Anti-Drug Agency, which I think is a good thing, in order to adapt to our requirements, being the national decision-maker in the field. (VP)

Foto: pixabay.com
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