By his real name Ștefan Popa, Doinaș was born on April 26, 1922 in Arad County.
An exhibition organised jointly with the Museum of Romanian Literature
In the second half of the 19th century, photography spread rapidly in the Romanian space.
One of the best-known Romanian specialists in Indian studies
First documented in 1445, the city of Galati has always been a major port on the Danube
Constantin Kiritescu wrote one of the most comprehensive history books in Romania's historiography
Ion C. Bratianu, dubbed the most important Romanian politician of the 19th century, fathered a big family. The Bratianus gave Romania the second...
Prose writer Radu Tudoran
Radio Romania has been broadcasting permanently since 1928. It has been the most constant source of information and an active witness to the 20th...
The Mill Lake
One of the iconic representatives of the neo-Romanian artistic style
The National Museum of History of Romania hosts an exhibition marking 150 years since the birth of Nicolae Iorga
The European Commission in autumn announced the winners of the European Heritage Awards also known as Europa Nostra Awards. The project on the restauration of the wooden church in the Ursi village was among the first four recipients of the grand prix and
One of the examples of Romanians turning more European is champagne