Iulia Hasdeu enjoys a special place in Romania's cultural hall of fame.
In the old times salt used to be highly valued and nobody could afford wasting it.
Salt is the richest underground resource in Romania, and for this reason the Romanian word for “salt and its derivatives are often included in place names and in current phrases and sayings.
On the southern outskirts of Bucharest, once suggestively called the Beggars Bridge, a beautiful, towering building was erected at the beginning of the 20th century, which the locals used to refer to as the Colossus.
The Astra Museum of Traditional Folk Civilisation is located in Dumbrava Sibiului, on the outskirts of the city of Sibiu, in the centre of Romania.
A lot has been written about Constantin Brancusi, the Romanian who revolutionized sculpture in the first half of the 20th century, but little is known about his Romanian biography. Brancusi was born 136 years ago, on February the 19th 1876 in Hobita, a vi
The village of Stefanesti, about 6 kilometers away from Pitesti, in central Romania, hosts the Golesti Museum. The large compound, stretching several hectares, comprises the Golescu familys medieval residence, as well as an open-air museum: the Vine and
The railway network had two important functions in Romanias history: it was the driving force behind economic development and ensured the political cohesion of the state formed in 1859. 1868 saw the inauguration of the first railway linking Bucharest to
The natural history museum is the capitals most popular museum, out of a string of museums scattered along the avenue that links the government building in the center to the northernmost regions of Bucharest. The museum building has an interesting histor
Romanian wines, generally appreciated by both locals and foreigners, have long been a distinct Romanian brand. What is not that well known, however, is that sparkling wine, or Romanian champagne, as we call it, has a long-standing tradition of its own. An