Starting mid-19th century the Romanian authorities took all the steps towards the construction of the new sovereign state. One of these steps was the setting up of a central bank
The kings of Romania and the personality cult
A short history of decorations in Romania
A presentation of the personality of Romania's great neurosurgeon and philanthropist, doctor Leon Sculy
Writer Paul Goma, a major figure in the anti-communist resistance, succumbed to COVID-19
Urmuz is one of the most important Romanian avantgarde writers.
Over the centuries Romanians have found great many opportunities to employ various degrees of humor in their day-to-day lives
Trajans Trophy is a public monument built in Adamclisi, SE Romania, to honour Roman emperor Trajan.
Romanian physician Nicolae C. Paulescu is best know for patenting pancreine, patenting pancreine, a pancreatic extract containing insulin
Romanian society had stepped up its modernization process and its orientation towards the West in the second half of the 19th century. Ever...
Architect Paul Smarandescu
Bucharest saw the emergence of the first modernist buildings in the 1920s.
An insightful look at the Royal family's habits and customs for Christmas
Romania's capital used to have a Jewish neighborhood which has undergone massive changes in time