In the Crimean War, Bucharest had an Ottoman governor who was English
A short history of postcards in Romania
Voina House is believed to be the oldest surviving private residence in Bucharest.
Rail transportation proved to be the first modern way to ease the exchange of goods, improve the workers mobility, at the same time contributing to state centralization
Horia Creanga was one of Romania's best-known modernist architects in the inter-war period.
Ancient monuments are fascinating sites, and the older they are, the more fascinating they get
In 1926 it was decided that the management of Bucharest demanded creating administrative units within it called sectors
The Casino in Constanța been the emblem of the Romanian Black Sea Coast
Microbes, diseases and pandemics in 19th century Romania
A museum is today hosting artifacts that keep the memory of the Nasaud border guards alive.
The circulation of books and translations across the Romanian territories until the emergence of the modern state was closely connected to the Church
At the National Museum of Romanian History, the gifts received by Nicolae Ceausescu, the former president of Communist Romania between 1965 and 1989 and his wife, Elena Ceausescu, make up a special collection
Dacia-Romania Palace will be housing the Bucharest Municipal Museum
Dacia-Romania Palace will be housing the Bucharest Municipal Museum