Bucharest and its artistic treasures
Romanian navy's time-honored training vessel
With historian Tudor Dinu about life in 18th century Bucharest during the Phanariote era,
King Carol I and Queen Elisabeth, Romanias first royal couple, had a loving marriage until the late 1890
The early days of healthcare in Romania
The modern history of the capital of Romania starts with the second half of the 19th century, around 1850
Great Romanian families of the past and their whereabouts
Bratianu family's estate nearby Bucharest
Some of the most popular collection items are chess pieces
Time has always been regarded by people as something that repeats itself, from the succession of days, nights and seasons, to that of ideas and patterns.
Emil Cioran was one of the greatest philosophers of despair in the European post-war culture
Majority Christian Orthodox Romania celebrates Easter.
The Alba Iulia National Union Museum's old books collection boasts a most precious item, a rather recent purchase made by the institution....
The Vacaresti monastery