In the spring of 1944, the Hungarian authorities in Northern Transylvania started sending the Jewish population to the ghettos.
In the early 20th century, Bucharest city councilors tackled the issue of sanitation and building proper housing.
A recent debate tackled some of the problems of formal education
A city like Bucharest, overcrowded, polluted, and inhabited by people who are always in a rush, stressed out by the daily issues of urban living,...
According to the MaiMultVerde Association, the Danube is carrying tons of plastic on a daily basis
A group of young people realized they actually live in a lovely country and set out to know it better
World War I, after 4 years of bloody conflict and tragedy, did not come to an end suddenly. It left every individual, ethnic and political group, and every nation feeling profound trauma.
Two major attacks recently reported in Afghanistan have claimed human lives, including Romanian
Bona Dea project promotes women's health and safety
In the 19th century, the Romanian intellectuals and society were trying to achieve the nation state.
Death is ubiquitous in the imagery of every human culture.
Our segment today features contemporary artist Marilena Preda-Sânc
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres warns the world is ‘not on track to limiting world temperature rises to an acceptable level
The Planetar Literary Club was set up in 1992, and was an important nursery for Romanian sci-fi writers.