Transylvania is a perfect combination of culture and traditions
HIV-AIDS continues to be a health issue all over the world
The European Danube Commission was a model of international cooperation
The circulation of books and translations across the Romanian territories until the emergence of the modern state was closely connected to the Church
Actress Alexandra Halic played innumerable parts in radio plays across the decades
Domogled- Cerna Valley Nature Park is a protected nature area with plenty of of caves, gorges, waterfalls, pastures and old forests
In Romania, the number of institutionalized children within the social protection system stands at around 60 thousand.
Over 200 people from the city of Oradea attended the inauguration of the Permanent Exhibition Discos in the '70s and '80s
'Celan 100 – Between the Words' is an exhibition at the Austrian Cultural Forum in Bucharest celebrating 100 years since the birth of poet Paul Celan
At the National Museum of Romanian History, the gifts received by Nicolae Ceausescu, the former president of Communist Romania between 1965 and 1989 and his wife, Elena Ceausescu, make up a special collection
The press if focused on international efforts to fight the new coronavirus
Macin Mountains are said to be part of an ancient mountain range.
Romanian NGOs are fighting human trafficking.