Rail transportation proved to be the first modern way to ease the exchange of goods, improve the workers mobility, at the same time contributing to state centralization
More and more tourists choose to spend their vacations in ecotourism destinations, in the middle of nature, with utmost respect for the environment....
The psychology of adapting to the pandemic
A national online program for supporting young people in difficult times
The conclusions of the Black Sea and Balkan security forum in Bucharest
The region of Dobrogea and its beauties!
Integrating children with special education needs in regular schools
Street art in Bucharest invites you to take a walk around the city
Horia Creanga was one of Romania's best-known modernist architects in the inter-war period.
'The -escu Family Diary' is the most recent documentary by Serban Georgescu
The most coronavirus pandemic has become a test on society in terms of its vulnerability to fake news.
The general crisis generated by the COVID-19 pandemic has changed education practices.
Bistrita-Nasaud Forestry makes customized fast food carriages