At the end of WWI, the world was in search mode. It was searching for peace, for a better world, but at the same time searching for a way to restore...
Briefly mentioned by documents and history books and rarely part of collective memory, the wives, mothers and daughters of Romanian boyars of the past have raised the interest of researchers.
A new exhibition of the Soleil de L'Est Association opened in the Media Hall of the Bucharest National Theater
After more than 16 years in power, Angela Merkel steps down and leaves the stage to Olaf Scholz
Right before the winter holidays, let us take a trip to the heart of Transylvania, to Sibiu County
The distant prospects of having a home of their own, in the case of abandoned children
The Romanian NGO Workshops Without Frontiers won third prize this year in the ESEC climate change initiative
One of the great reformers of Transylvania in the 18th century was Baron Samuel von Brukenthal.
Neacșu's brief note has been researched extensively by historians and linguists
Magda Mihăilescu wins Special Award for her exceptional career in the world of film
Russia's sabre-rattling on the border with Ukraine
One of the most sought-after destinations for spending the winter holidays
Waste incineration a very serious problem
Re-enacting the tradition from 160 years ago