Launched last spring upon the initiative of French President Emmanuel Macron, the Conference on the Future of Europe was an unprecedented move, materialized into a year of talks, debates and cooperation between citizens and politicians
Upstream Topolog river
A reading club for women
January 1, 2022, is the celebration of 15 years since Romania joined the bloc
Critically-acclaimed prose writer Gabriela Adamesteanu ‘s 80th birthday anniversary is being celebrated at the Museum of Romanian Literature in Bucharest
In 1846, pianist and composer Franz Liszt started his last grand European tour in the southeast of the continent
The most spectacular route linking Moldavia and Transyvania follows the Bicaz Gorges
Old building consolidation in the capital is an issue facing owners and the local administration
Spring is a time of renewal, so you are invited to discover some Romanian domestic spa treatments
A history of the automobile during the communist regime in Romania
The Universul Palace in Bucharest
The Covid-19 pandemic has also taken its toll on our mental health, with anxiety and depression on the rise globally.
Today we are going to the central-west part of Romania, to Alba County
In 2019 a law passed against harrassment and aggression in schools