There are few personalities who manage to perform at a high level in different, even opposite, fields, as was the case of the mathematician...
Directed by Ruxandra Gubernat, “Dream. Life / Imaginary Youth”, is the first Romanian observational documentary that aims to present the...
"Connections no longer mean peace, economic relationships no longer lead to security"
In the mountainous area of Buzău County, there are also some beautiful waterfalls
A recent study published by Eurostat showed that only 13% of European Union citizens continue to work after retirement
'Brave cut' is the name of the project initiated by Renaşterea Foundation
The fact that, after 1945, there were two German states on Europe s map, was the effect of deep divergences between the US, Great Britain...
The collection of the National Museum of History of Romania in Bucharest contains documents about the freedom of the Roma from enslavement dating from mid 19th century.
A short review of one of 2024's most anticipated films
The start of the year brings the future of Europe’s energy supply back in the spotlight, with the cessation of the transit of Russian gas...
Today we invite you to our annual look back at Romania’s 2024 travel destinations which RRI presented in the Traveler’s Guide feature.
Not just new legislation, but more awareness is needed to keep this growing phenomenon in check.
We often talk about big resets when a type of leader wins the elections in a country with a major global influence, as was Donald Trump's...
Hosted by the National Museum of History of Romania (MNIR), the exhibition focuses on the process of conserving and restoring wood icons.