Radio Romania's Oral History Centre celebrates its 30th anniversary.
Bucharest has a number of old roads forming the skeleton which the largest Romanian city has been built on, in the past 500 years.
‘Men of deeds by Paul Negoescu - the grand winner of the 17th edition of the Gopo Awards Gala
Agroforestry and its role in Romania's farming system
Thematic mountaineering and Romanian identity
In Romania, 62% of inhabitants have never stepped into a museum, and only 33% go in once or several times a year
The NARATIV Festival, now in its fifth edition, is organized by the Curtea Veche Association
Architect Gabriela Tabacu publishes emotional chronicle of Bucharest in the 1960s.
As an integral part of healthy ecosystems, pollinators contribute to quantity and quality of food
On the first of May, the seaside vacation season officially opened in Romania
Starting in 2014, the BEAUTIK Haute Parfumerie opened the gates of the first perfume museum in Romania
The earthquakes that hit Turkey in February brought to the forefront a special category of rescuers
Mental illnesses have always been a source of pain for patients and their relatives
Bucharests theatre and film academy awards Doctor Honoris Causa to playwright Matei Vișniec