The Bucegi Nature Park, located in the Bucegi Mountains in the Southern Carpathians, is a protected area of European interest, included in the Natura 2000 Site. Established in 1974, the park spans 32,600 hectares, boasting rich geographical features.
The Jiu River cuts through the Carpathian Mountains, on a stretch of 33 km, between the Parang and the Valcan massifs, the spectacular gorge in the Carpathians. 7 years ago, the Jiu River Gorge National Park was established here. With its 11,127 hectares,
April 22nd is Earth Day - a day when people are inspired by an awareness of the over-exploitation of natural resources and the pollution of the environment, and look for solutions. Today, the pollution of the environment is something everybody is aware of
According to an old Romanian saying, being a mother is the hardest job of all, not to mention being unpredictable, as weve seen in recent years in Romania. Only one year after the Romanian authorities modified the provisions regulating parental leave, th
On January 1st 2007, Romania joined the European Union. Over the following five years, the attitude that Romanians have had towards this move has seen major fluctuations, as a reaction to the local and global economy. In 2008, when the beneficial economic
The best-known monasteries in Romania are in the north of the country,
The town of Rasnov (in central Romania) has seen spectacular changes in the past 6 years. It currently makes for a destination catering for the entire family, where tourism thrives. Every weekend you can attend classical music concerts held in the Rasnov
Statistics at European level reveal that roughly one active person out of six admits to having a long term condition or disability. Figures also show that the employment rate for the disabled across the EU stands at around 50 per cent, as compared to 68 p
All those who had been dreaming about unconventional education methods, with history lessons held on the street in front of heritage buildings or with improvised botany classes delivered during mountain trips, saw their wishes come true last week. For the
March in Romania is synonymous with the first signs of spring settling in: flowers blooming, birds chirping, lighter clothing, outdoor restaurants opening again, and more smokers outdoors.
Today we invite to join us on a tour of the Ceahlau National Park, found in the Ceahlau massif in northeastern Romania. The area is known for its unique variety of flaura and fauna but also for the numerous tourist routes which may be followed in a specia
Bukovina and Maramures are at the top of the list when we think about ancient Romanian customs and traditions. This is especially significant around the great holidays, Easter and Christmas. Today you are invited to discover these two destinations, Bukovi
Transformarea a fost unul dintre cuvintele pe care comunismul le-a îndrăgit cel mai mult şi ea trebuia să-l facă pe noul cetăţean să trăiască mai bine. “Mai binele comunist, făcut cel mai adesea împotriva voinţei individului, însemna de fapt “mai rău.
Economia planificată a fost o realitate a socialismului. Gânditorii economiei planificate aveau ambiţia de a înlătura neajunsurile economiei liberale de piaţă, considerată fundamentul inegalităţilor sociale şi al exploatării.
Doctrina politică creştin-democrată are în România o istorie scurtă, caracterizată mai degrabă prin perioade mari de absenţă şi printr-o asumare redusă de către electorat a valorilor sale.