Children drop out of school before finishing their obligatory school cycle for a wide range of reasons.
The great art historian Alexandru Tzigara-Samurcas, the founder of the Romanian Peasant Museum.
This recipe is for one dessert that everyone makes at Easter, “Pasca (the Easter cake).
Some 90% of Roma people across Europe live under the poverty line, being often victims of discrimination in many forms.
This year a few extra days were added to the Romanians May 1st holiday, the international Labor Day, as it fell in mid-week and precedes the Christian Orthodox Easter celebrated on May 5th.
At a time when we are swamped by news about how bad for us much of the food on the market is, and how our nutrition habits are anything but nutritious, we definitely need a change. European institutions have been on the issue for years now, coming up with
A small town in northeastern Romania, Harlau was also home to an important Yiddish speaking Jewish community.
Bucharest came under heavy Allied bombardment in April 1944, when the country was still fighting on the side of Nazy Germany.
In mid April a festival called “E-motional Bodies and Cities was held in Bucharest.
In Romania there are 65 projects for energy efficient buildings with a low impact on the environment, shows a recent report made by the Romanian Council for Green Buildings.
Most people doing volunteer work are youngsters. To reward their efforts and dedication, the entire month of April is devoted to them at the Volunteers Fest.
The ruler of Moldavia with the longest reign was Stephen the Great, who led the country for close to half a century, between 1457 and 1504.
It is rather hard to ascertain the exact number of gifted children in Romania, but estimates speak about some 4% of new-borns. This figure is higher than the European average of 2%.
Join us on a tour of the western county of Timis and its capital Timisoara, the Romanian city where the 1989 anti-communist revolution started.
Find out more about the socialist ideas circulating in Romania at the start of the 20th century.