2013 was the darkest year of the last decade in terms of the freedom of the press.
In October, the city of Targu Jiu will receive the Golden Apple Award for excellence, presented by the World Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers.
Lured by better jobs and salaries, over 50,000 thousand young people from Romania have left to study abroad.
Constantin Brancusi as seen by some of the people who knew him.
The first corporate awareness-raising referendum platform was launched in Romania in June.
As you leave Bucharest going north, you come across a massive fountain in the middle of the road. It is called Miorita Fountain.
In the late 1913, the first works by Constantin Brancusi were displayed in the United States, at the International Modern Art Show in New York
Three years away from the moment Romania was supposed to join the Schengen agreement, no one dares make predictions any more.
Romanians get bombarded every day by e-mails advertising more and more sophisticated courses for gifted children, playing on parents’ wishful...
For decades, Romania has been boasting the exceptional results obtained by gifted children in international competitions, used as a justification for maintaining the current sweeping under the rug the ways in which it fails regular children.
Corneliu Coposu was the quintessential Romanian politician.
A promoter of the neo-Romanian style, Cristofi Cerchez designed some landmark buildings still to be seen in Romania today.
Only one month after its launch, the campaign “Ecobank - Your Friendly Recycling Bank boasts over 2 tons of used appliances recycled, 300 subscribers, and 10,000 points awarded for the ECOnomy Books of said subscribers.
Targu Jiu is to receive excellence award from the World Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers for efforts to promote tourism.
Migration is an old phenomenon, and it sometimes falls short of the expectations of the people involved.