Earlier this month European Space Agency (ESA) Member States met in Luxemburg, where they reached “a historic agreement to build the Ariane 6 prototype launch vehicle.
While all citizens are guaranteed access to medical services, there are big differences between the rural and urban areas in this respect.
Romania was the only communist country where blood was spilled in the 1989 regime change.
The founder of the “neo-Romanian style, Ion Mincu is one of Romanias most prominent architects.
The difficulties in the voting process in November's election still have echoes in Romania.
Christmas is just around the corner and a festive air has gripped the whole country. Little by little we get into the presents-giving spirit by picking out presents at the Christmas markets opened in every city, with gift ideas from independent producers.
In mid 19th century the Balkan states were trying to get rid of the Ottoman influence and to adopt the western model of economic, political and society modernization.
The present-day Romanian territory was first mapped as part of Tabula Peutingeriana, the Peutinger Table, a copy of a 2nd -- 3rd century Roman map...
The highlights of the Eurothalia European Theatre Festival
On November 9th, 25 years were celebrated since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Ageing has become a global challenge. This is what studies have shown, warning that the increasing number of old people threatens the social security, pensions and health systems.
A project launched by the Romanian Cultural Institute and called “Romanian architects, creators of cultural heritage, 1869-1989 has reached its third edition.
Literature is like Achilles spear, it wounds with the tip and heals with the butt, said Mircea Cartarescu, in a dialogue with writer and journalist Cezar-Paul Badescu.
On December 1st, 1918, Transylvania joined the Kingdom of Romania into what was to be known as Greater Romania.
Created to raise funds for a child with leukaemia, the Offer Life charity is now involved in many social cases.