Timiș is a multicultural county and an example of cohabitation among different ethnic groups.
There is a saying that if you don't know your history, you condemn yourself to repeat it
After coming to power in Romania in 1945, the Communist Party moved to get rid by all the other political parties in the country, either by banning them or by assimilating them.
The exhibition is hosted by the National Gallery of the National Art Museum of Romania
A local association takes steps to improve community standards to the benefit of their children
On February 20, 1856, slavery in Romania came to an end.
A beautiful old house in Bucharest has been restored to its former glory.
Film O’Clock International Festival reached its 4th edition
Many things go unseen, but not so unseen in the area of cybersecurity
Hi-tech over printed matter: is there a winner?
Today we are heading towards the south-eastern part of Romania, outside the Carpathian bend
The Mărţişor has come a long way from what was once just a twisted white and red thread worn around the wrist.
After WWI, countries wanted to preserve peace through treaties.
The war in Ukraine, which Russia estimated at 30 days, entered its third year on February 24