“It is a movie whose rhythm is provided by changes in colour and the fluidity of sound, which maintains a constant sensation of surrealist...
The main award at the NexT 2016 festival went to The Living Need Light, the Dead Need Music, directed by The Propeller Group of Vietnam.
Known for its ancient traditions and pristine landscapes, the northern region of Maramures is also the ideal location for monasteries and hermitages.
The massive flow of refugees and the way to manage it are the biggest challenges facing the EU since it was set up.
The communist party seized power in Romania on March 6th, 1945, with the help of the Soviet Union and immediately started the transformation of society based on the Soviet model.
On the 23rd of June, British voters will decide in a referendum whether their country remains in the European Union
Bistrita-Nasaud is a county with great tourism potential, with lots of cultural, historical and nature attractions.
Fore a few years now, school curricula in Romania have included several optional courses.
Romanian-Soviet joint ventures were set up immediately after the Red Army occupied Romania, at the end of World War Two. Their label was ‘SovRoms,...
The Great Romanian philosopher Constantin Noica used to say that a real teacher is the one who can teach you how to learn.
A venue with a long tradition for the academic world.
An outlook of the third edition of the festival.
2016 is an election year in Romania, with local elections due on the 5th of June, followed by parliamentary elections towards the end of the year.
The richness of plant and animal species on this mountain is impressive, accounting for almost one third of the total flora species existing in...
Starting this March, Bucharesters can donate clothes to the disadvantaged, by placing them in the container in front of the Embassy of the Czech...