A look at some the most successful Bookfest launches
A citizens initiative signed by millions seeks to redefine the concept of “family in Romania.
This year the summer season on the Romanian Black Sea coast opened on April 15.
For years now Romania has been faced with a new phenomenon: parents going to work abroad and leaving their children in the care of other people.
Radio Free Europe journalist Monica Lovinescu about the attempts of the Romanian communist regime to stifle dissenting voices.
Located in north-eastern Romania, Neamt Fortress is a 14th century structure whose walls have survived to this day.
Nora Iuga receives state award for her contribution to promoting Romanias image abroad.
Although it is not among the most popular tourist destinations in Romania, such as Transylvania, the Black Sea Coast and, more recently,...
Online sales of medication from unofficial sources is a dangerous phenomenon across the world
The Romanian principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia began a modernisation process in the early 19th century.
Deva is located close to the former ancient capital of Dacia in Orastie Mountains
This year, the northeastern city of Suceva celebrates 629 years of documented existence.
The largest conference devoted to cycling will also feature representatives of True VeloFriends
On June 1st 1957, the Museum of Romanian Literature was inaugurated in Bucharest.