The Neo-Romanian style is today described as being representative for the architecture of Greater Romania
The laser in Măgurele, near Bucharest, has been assembled and the final tests have been completed. ELI-NP, Extreme-Light...
The contest proved quite popular with our listeners, receiving 268 correct and complete answers.
A recently published info-graph aimed to highlight religious attitudes among Romanians.
The 18th Century is known in Romania as the “Phanariote Century. The name comes from Phanar, one of Constantinoples districts, the home of prominent Greek families who occupied important positions in the Ottoman Empire
Shortly after the end of World War II the majestic medieval citadel of Oradea had sadly become one of the dreaded instruments of repression for anti-communist revolt.
When it comes to well being, only 65.3% of Romanian women evaluate their health as being good or very good, as compared to 74.8% of Romanian men
An inspiration for Romania during the hard years of the war
The Sibiu International Theatre Festival is a marathon of stage performances, but also an opportunity for many prominent creators to meet
The citadel was first mentioned in documents in 1280 but there is evidence that the area has been inhabited for 4 thousand years. Located in central...
The story of the Tooth-Mercy Fairy
Developed as a market town around what is today known as the old town, mainly concentrated along Lipscani Street, Bucharest originally extended southwards
What's wrong with the West? Is the Western world in its final stage of decline? Are we seeing the death throes of the Western civilization? Is...
Significant changes in the security of the Black Sea region have taken place in recent years.
Today we'll take you to the northern Romanian county of Bistrita Nasaud, which boasts lots of opportunities for all types of tourist activities