Starting in 1977, after the big earthquake that killed as many as 1,500 people, Bucharest saw deep changes during the Communist regime led by Nicolae...
Like every year, Romanian Culture Day, which coincides with the anniversary of the birth of the poet Mihai Eminescu, who is considered by critics as the most important Romanian literary figure, was celebrated at different venues across the country
Romania has a rich and valuable natural heritage, boasting the most diverse bio-geographic conditions in Europe
Today we are going to the northeast of the country, in a city filled with history, with an intense cultural life, Iasi. The first time visitor will...
Romania is famous for the beauty of its natural landscapes and its wildlife, mostly due to its mountains.
Participants learn how to survive at extremely low temperatures in a structure made up of snow
The early 19th century was a time when the Romanian space modernized. It involved a new way of seeing the world, with an increasing awareness of fundamental rights and freedoms that no authority could violate
Women had a significant contribution to Romanias war efforts
The project is meant to create a platform of communication between contemporary Romanian writers and young readers.
A decision made by Austria to adjust child benefits for its non-resident workers, as of January 1, 2019, has sparked off reactions in countries where this measure translates into less money for the beneficiaries
The well-deserved name of ‘Gate to Bucegi Mountains comes from the fact that this is the perfect place to start exploring the mountains.
A feature devoted to the 'Work at Home Mums Romania' Association (WAHM)
The Mavrocordatos were the first Phanariote family to rule in the Romanian Principalities
Romanian economy to grow by 3.5% in 2019, according to World Bank report
Today we are headed to one of the gateways to the Piatra Craiului National Park, Zarnesti