Precious keepers of folklore in Dobrogea
The "Dobrogeanca" ensemble of the Sulina House of Culture was founded in 2010 for young people who love folklore

Ana-Maria Cononovici, 14.05.2024, 12:18
The “Dobrogeanca” ensemble of the Sulina House of Culture was founded in 2010 for young people who love folklore. Full of energy and enthusiasm they perform folk dances from the region of Dobrogea, but also from other areas of the country. With fast and precise steps, with a versatile choreography, this ensemble fills the viewers’ hearts with joy, because it expresses health and liveliness, but also appreciation for traditional values, something that is increasingly rare among the younger generation. All the more joy to see young men and women aged 13-19, who are happy to work on their skills in this way.
Florentina Dunaev, a cultural referent at the House of Culture in Sulina, told us about the children who make up the “Dobrogeanca” ensemble:
“The children start at the age of 3-4, with easier dances, with games, and then they become members of Dobrogeanca, where choreography is more difficult. Roman Jora is in charge of choreography, and I take care of the training part, so together we do our best to prove that culture is a reality in Sulina. There will be an international festival in the autumn and we hope to participate.”
Andreea Maria Pioara is 19 and she told us her story:
“I’ve been a member of this ensemble for about 7 years, I think. But I’ve been coming to the House of Culture for 10 years. What does it mean to us? Everything. The music, the dancing, it’s how we express ourselves and get rid of all the stress. It’s pretty difficult, but we work hard, and we like it, we try to improve every day. We are nervous when there’s a show, but on the other hand we know we’ve done our best and we can aim high.”
Alexandru Mihail Serbov, aged 15, is another passionate member of this ensemble :
“I’ve been a member for five years, but I’ve been coming to the House of Culture for more than 10 years. To me, dance is passion, is everything. When there are contests, of course we get a bit stressed, but when the music starts, we forget about that and we find ourselves back into our world.”
Asked what they would like to do in the future, these enthusiastic young people told us that they couldn’t imagine a life without dancing, as Alexandru Mihail stressed :
“Whatever I do, dance will always be part of my life and wherever I go I want to dance.”
In turn, Andreea Maria told us :
“I am currently attending the Naval Academy, but as my dance partner said, I will dance no matter my age ; I want a part of me to always be there.”
Usually, girls are more interested in dancing than boys, so we wanted to know how come they chose dancing instead of going to the gym, as most young people these days do. Alexandru Mihail Serbov said:
“I like to move, and I found myself in dancing, which lit a fire in my heart »
Andreea Maria Pioara added that dancing could be seen as a different type of sport, a team sport, but much more fun and entailing much more harmony.
Thanks to the talent and perseverance of those involved, the ensemble has become a well-known name by participating in various folklore festivals. The main goal of the group, made up of young people in love of beauty and harmony, is the promotion of traditional dances. Over the years, thanks to the beauty and vivacity of the dances, and the special presence on stage, the ensemble has been invited to performances and festivals in the country where it has won many awards and distinctions. The most remarkable have been the National Minorities Festival Trophy at the “Delta Celebrations” Festival (Sulina, 2017), the First Prize in the ethnic dance section of the “Lină Chiralină” Festival (Brăila, 2018); The award for the best choreographic musical show at the “Delta Celebrations” Festival (Sulina, 2019). As for the future plans, until the International Festival in the fall, the ensemble will participate this month in the in the Mackerel Festival in Maliuc and in June, in the National Minorities Competition Festival of the Sulina Delta Celebrations. But invitations to participate in various events also appear along the way, and our young people do not hesitate to follow them!