A new urban game addressing local communities
We've been friends with Roxy and Kids Arts a few years back, and we've followed their collaborative arts projects. Although the pandemic...
The Museum's reading and online projects
The Pop Up Museum prepares a number of unconventional exhibitions.
Romanian NGO wins European Economic and Social Committee Civil Solidarity Prize.
Three Romanian artists use discarded flowers to create an independent public art project.
A number of urban, geometric projects have appeared out of a wish for a sustainable brand, based on the circular economy
100 years ago, there were 367 traditional hydraulic installations in the upper basin of Mures River .
Many Romanian rural communities have been in the attention of NGOs lately, that tried to ease the access of children to education.
New virtual tourist guide is launched in Romania covering south-eastern region of Bărăgan.
Forced collectivization in Romania meant that between 1949 and 1962, peasants had their land and cattle confiscated