A return to nature
Natural beauty products

Ana-Maria Cononovici, 17.03.2020, 13:00
Starting from the belief that the secret of
beauty can be found in nature, a team of young people have come up with a new
concept which combines natural beauty products with traditional massage
techniques and natural fabric wrappings, that offer customers a state of
well-being. The concept proposes a return to one’s senses, which, once
stimulated,can make one feel land look better, in harmony with nature.
Andreea Emilian, a biologist and founder of a
beauty center:
The idea of this beauty center is rooted
in one of my greatest passions. It may seem a cliche, but I have always had a
passion for nature, for plants and their magical powers of curing certain
health conditions related or not to the skin. I pursued my passion and I
attended the biology faculty, then I worked in the beauty field for 15 years.
Two years ago I decided I could do more in this respect and through a fantastic
partnership with a Romanian beauty brand that makes 100% natural products, I
opened a beauty center. We only use Romanian products and natural ingredients
and only employ manual techniques. We do not use any devices.
It is quite surprising to use manual
techniques in a world dominated by technology.
Andreea Emilian:
The fact that the products that we use
are 100% plant extracts makes the application technique all the more important.
In the case of facial treatments, for instance, the manual technique leads to a
much better absorbtion of the active ingredients, which thus become more
Another spa treatment offered by the beauty
center is the wrapping with organic products and natural fabric. Natural fabric
is known to facilitate the absorption of a variety of natural products into the
Essential oils, lavender water, acacia honey,
these are all but some of the basic products provided in the treatments.
Andreea Emilian:
Our offer is extensive in terms of
facial treatments and body therapies, such as therapeutic massages, relaxation
massages and body-reshaping therapies, namely using massage to help model the
Andreea Emilian:
There are many herbs, we’re employing
approximately 45 species of local plant life, either grown on the spot or
brought over from the region of Nehoiu. Some of these plants include the sea
buckthorn, which is used as a basic ingredient for many of our products, as it
has powerful antioxidant properties, the pot marigold, the wild oregano, the
mallow and even the lily and pollen derived from lilies in the case of
anti-ageing therapies. These herbs and plants have many benefits in cosmetics,
some better known than others. Take for instance blueberry juice, which we
employ in applying certain facial masks.
Quiet, relaxation, refreshment, these are some
of the benefits that people notice straight away.
Andreea Emilian:
Studies have revealed the proven effect
of herbs. We strongly believe in this, as there are many tests backing this
claim. It’s important to use herbs and even the local plat life, because more
often than not we respond better to plants from the area we live in.
Using an extract of sea buckthorn or a
so-called regenerating elixir after a makeup removal using sparkling water are
tips and tricks that remind us of what our grandmothers used to do in order to
stay young and beautiful.