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The Mehedinti Plateau Geological Park

A perfect blend of geology, climate and man-made environment

The Mehedinti Plateau Geological Park
The Mehedinti Plateau Geological Park

, 29.07.2016, 12:00

The Mehedinti Plateau Geological Park is a protected area in southwest Romania, set up 10 years ago. It has a surface of 106,000 ha, and aims to preserve biological diversity. This beautiful place attracts visitors with the striking contrast between plateaus with wide vistas and Karst formations. Valentin Jujea, a mountain rescuer from the area, told us more:

“I can talk a lot about the Mehedinti Plateau. It is a perfect blend of geology, climate and man-made environment, which created specific microhabitats. What is important is the continental temperate climate, with sub-Mediterranean influences and a variety of forms of relief. Limestone created the opportunity for the development of rare and very rare plant species, listed in the Red Book of Romanian flora. Protected species thrive in no less than 17 protected areas. These natural riches can be explored by tourists, scientists and laymen alike, who can also discover history, traditions and customs, as well as traditional crafts. You can still find here traditional blacksmiths, potters and weavers. The area is also rich in running waters. All the rivers run from the west to the east and south, creating lots of caves, which also sport a rare micro-fauna. We have the famous Karst formations in Ponoare, which include the Zatonul mare and Zatonul Mic, the Ponoare cave, then, more to the north, we have the Bulba Cave and the Karst complex Topolnita Epuran. The Ponoarele Karst complex is bordered on the south by the nature reserve called the Ponoarele Lilac Forest, a protected area for wild lilac. The wild lilac cannot thrive unless it lives around certain species of oak. This project has uncovered in the area a unique species of carnivorous plant growing in a peat bog near Busesti. This peat bog is one of the southern-most peat bogs in Europe. Here we also find terrapins, as well as orchids. A few days ago another unique species of orchid was discovered in a pasture near Cornetul Cerboanei, it was quite an unexpected find.

Topolnita Cave is a natural monument. It is one of the most spectacular caves in Romania, with formations unique in the world. It is 11,000 meters long, and is the second largest in the country and the 17th largest in the world. The galleries are on five levels, of which the Racovita gallery is the most impressive cave formation in the Carpathian Mountains. Back at the microphone is Valentin Jujea:

“We have 17 reserves, but the most important are Cornetul Obarsiei, on the northern side of the park, Izvoarele Cosustei and Izverna Cave, the Camana Reserve, Cornetele Cerboanei and Cornetele Babei. We also have the Draghiceanu forest, with a beautiful growth of chestnut trees. To the south, in the Severin depression, we have the black pine forest in Paunesti. This area is also famous for its reptile species. We have the horned puff adder, the adder, and the scorpion, but the latter are not poisonous. We have many kinds of insects. This entire food chain is tied to the unique Karst formations. We have deep valleys and crevasses, with flood plains running west to east. At the same time, we can see fragmentation lines running north to south, emphasized by human habitation. Man has adapted to this environment, but has also modified the environment to suit his needs. People here care about their villages, their land and houses.

A project is being run here, worth over 300,000 Euro, for an integrated management plan for the park, alongside an impact study needed to promote strategies to improve efficiency in conservation. The project covers all 17 protected areas, where 11 tourist venues are being planned. An inventory has been run of natural, cultural and historic monuments, in local communities in the park. Nature reserves have been drawn out, because the local authorities want to open the park to international tourism, at the same time protecting species in the red list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, which keeps record of protected species at a world level.

(Translated by C. Cotoiu)

Foto; Tyler Rutherford / unsplash.com
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