A fire killed 11 animals in a Bucharest circus, triggering debates on animal acts in circus shows
Romania still boasts large areas of virgin forests. These untapped woodlands are abounding in local species of trees of various kinds.
A look at a 25-year-long activity of protecting natural sites in Romania.
Global biodiversity is declining at an alarming rate, reveals the latest WWF Living Planet Report.
The Ceahlau National Park is a protected area of national interest located in northeastern Romania, on a surface area of more than 7,000 hectares in...
For more than 10 years now, an Orphan Bear Rehabilitation Center has been operational in the Hasmas Mountains, in Harghita County. At the center, orphan bears found by people in the Carpathians forests are monitored to be reintegrated into the wilderness
A perfect blend of geology, climate and man-made environment
The area is a future major destination for eco-tourism.
Romania has some of the largest plots of farming land and areas of high natural value in Europe.
The Fagaras Mountains, which cover a surface area of 198,000 hectares, are known for their unique landscapes, wild areas and rich biodiversity.
Although Romania is home to Europe's largest wolf population, this species is endangered.
Construction works and other interventions with a negative impact on natural eco-systems have been made in recent years on the rivers flowing in the Carpathian Mountains.
The Putna Nature Park lies in the north-west of the Vrancea Mountains, in the Carpathians.