A joint team of entomologists from Romania and Italy discovered five new species of beetles on Romanian territory
Bird electrocution mortality is a major conservation issue
Circular economy is defined as a system in which goods never become waste, and in which nature regenerates.
The summer of 2024 brought a new series of alarming records at global and regional levels
The Green Report Gala is an initiative of the Green Report publication
A trail along the Romanian segment of river Danube is about to be created
Extensive works have been carried out on the Romanian Black Sea coast in the last ten years, to widen the beaches, after they suffered a slow but continuous process of erosion
Protection measures for an endangered species
Noise has increasingly become a challenge to modern societies, one that can cause serious health issues
People live more and more in cities, and this must be taken seriously into account when designing and managing them
Romania has all the resources to enter the leading platoon of countries taking important steps to reduce carbon emissions
The effects of global warming are alarming and the world needs to take urgent measures.
The existing onshore wind capacity in Romania could allow the generation of twice the amount of electricity than the current consumption
Soil erosion is becoming an urgent environmental problem in the Carpathian Mountains
The year 2022 will remain in recent economic history as the year in which solar energy saw the largest addition of energy capacity