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Working in Romania

The latest news about foreign workers in Romania and the local employment market.

Working in Romania
Working in Romania

, 22.02.2024, 14:00

Two men were detained by the security forces and are being
investigated for blackmail and abduction of foreign citizens, the
Bucharest Police has announced. The two suspects, aged 24 and 37,
were caught as they were transporting in their car two foreign
citizens, both of whom were victims of blackmail and kidnapping. The
police established that they had been held in an apartment in Brasov
county, central Romania. Searches of the apartment and the car led to
the discovery of the passports of the two foreign citizens and a bag
with a substance believed to have psychoactive effects, a gun,
several phones and money. Inquiries also showed that a third foreign
national kidnapped on 13th February managed to escape by
climbing over the balcony. Hearings were conducted with all those

The employment market in Călăraşi county, in southern Romania, has
a shortage of higher education graduates, according to the county
employment agency. A quarter of the jobs available in this county
last year requested a university degree. Over 3,000 unemployed people
found a job in Calarasi in 2023 with the help of the Agency, its
director Tudora Nicolae says. She explained that some 7,800 jobs were
available at the end of last year. She also said that in her opinion
employment would be boosted in the county if the big universities
would also open branches here. At present, Calarasi is only home to
one branch of the University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary
Medicine of Bucharest.

Applications for extension of permit to stay in
Romania in 2023 grew to 940 from 724 in the previous year, said the
General Immigration Inspectorate in Buzau, in south-eastern Romania.
809 of these were for work purposes, 97 to keep the family together,
32 for other purposes and 2 for commercial activities. The
immigration police in Buzu also said in a statement that they last
year found 30 persons who did not have a residence permit, fewer than
in 2022, when they uncovered 73 such cases.

A factory making last-generation cardboard
packaging to replace the polystyrene used at present to protect goods
during transport will open this year in the north-western Romanian
town of Şimleu Silvaniei. The several million euro worth investment
belongs to the French group Rossmann, a world leader in this field,
and will lead to the creation of 200 jobs. The town’s mayor
Cristian Lazăr said Rossmann will make corrugated cardboard
packaging, given that from 2025 polystyrene will be banned for use
during the transport of goods. He said the factory will run in three
shifts and that the owners expect a lot of work post 2025. Rossmann
has three other factories in Romania, in Suceava county, in the
north-east, and in the capital Bucharest.

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