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Romanian competent aid for Ukrainian refugees

Ukrainians get competent assistance in Romania

Romanian competent aid for Ukrainian refugees
Romanian competent aid for Ukrainian refugees

, 05.10.2023, 14:00

The Workshops without Frontiers Association this past weekend organized a Jobs market for Ukrainian refugees. The event was hosted by the Viilor Economic College in Bucharest. Among other things, participants were offered help in composing their CVs and letters of intention. Also available were interpreters/translators for those Ukrainian refugees who were in need of that, as well as mediations between candidates and employers.

The Workshops without Frontiers Association has made public the fact that they were among the first such associations to have accepted the employment of refugees from Ukraine, in their own workshops but also via a string of services meant to facilitate the refugees access to jobs in Romania. In 2022, the Association organized free-of-charge Romanian language courses for 224 people, as well as workshops focusing on facilitating the understanding of the legal framework of the work environment in Romania. The Association also organized CV writing workshops, labor market counselling and assessment activities, but also community events for the Ukrainian refugees. The aforementioned event was part of a project financed by the United Nations High Command for Refugees. The event was carried with the support from Ilfov Countys Employment Agency.

The Municipality of Brasov, a city located in central Romania on October the 2nd inaugurated a services hub for the refugees from Ukraine. Involved in the undertaking were 10 associations or foundations from across Brasov municipal city. Attending the event was the representative in Romania of the United Nations High Command for Refugees, Pablo Zapata. The associations involved in the hub labelled KATYA offer educational services for children, support for the job seekers as well as mental health assistance and psycho-social support. Also, the associations provide facilitators for translations in the case of the Ukrainian refugees who intend to access healthcare services in Romania. The hub is a project of Brasov Metropolitan Agency for Sustainable Development Hub-ul, carried in partnership with the Terre des Hommes Foundation in Romania. The hub has the support of the United Nations High Command for Refugees. As present, KATYA has roughly 500 beneficiaries. The Ukrainian citizens who need the services of the hub can ask for help or additional info accessing an email address, at katyahub@metropolabrasov.ro.

Tulcea County Employment Agency, in the south-east, on September 27 staged an event themed The Entrepreneurial and digital competencies in the context of todays labor market current demands. The event targeted a group of 13 Ukrainian high-school students from the town of Izmail. Accompanying and guiding the group of high-school students was an information, communication and selection officer of Suceava Cross-Border Regional Cooperation Office. As part of the event, the young pupils got info on the free-of-charge services offered by the Tulcea County Employment Agency, for job seekers. Basically, the information focused on the required labor market competencies, with a view to enhancing productivity and providing decent jobs, as well as on the importance of entrepreneurial and digital skills. Also, the pupils visited the entrepreneurial consultancy Centre and were given detailed info on howe to access and use the CREDA-DEBUS portal. CREDA -DEBUS is a communication platform providing info on the improvement of quality and access to entrepreneurial education. CREDA-DEBUS seeks to develop at least 75 business plans, for a 12-month timeframe.

Border policemen in western Romanias Timis County this past weekend stopped nine citizens of Nepal and Pakistan, in their attempt to illegally cross the Romanian-Serbian border. Aged 25 to 46, the foreign citizens trespassed the Romanian territory having a work permit, yet they stated they intended to reach western Europe. The case is definitely not a one-of-a-kind one. On September 29, Timis County border policemen caught other 11 citizens from Nepal and Egypt, aged 22 to 38, in their attempt to cross Romanias Serbian border illegally. Just as in the aforementioned illegal border crossing case, those citizens had entered Romanian territory illegally having work permits, yet they intended to reach countries in Western Europe.

Every week, dozens of foreign workers arriving in Romania and having a labour contract are caught at the countrys western border, in their attempt to flee Romania illegally. They are detained for fraudulent crossing of state border. In such cases, legal sentences range from a fine to imprisonment from 6 month to 3 years.

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