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Zucchini Recipes

Zucchinis dishes are largely used during fasting periods in Romania

Zucchini Recipes
Zucchini Recipes

, 06.07.2020, 13:09

Because here in
Romania many are observing the St. Peter and Paul fasting, we thought that
introducing to you a couple of zucchini dishes would be a good idea. Be they
small or big, zucchinis are used for a wide variety of main or side dishes here
in Romania. Small zucchinis are preferred in fried zucchini recipes whereas the
bigger ones are usually stuffed with various fillings, such as minced meat or finely
chopped vegetables.

To prepare a
soup you need about one kilo of zucchinis, three or four, two parsley roots, a
cup of rice, two carrots and a little bit of oil. Carrot and parsley roots are
grated and boiled with a bit of salt for about 10 minutes. Add the rice and let
it boil for another 15 minutes upon which throw in the zucchinis, peeled and
cut into small pieces. Keep boiling the mixture for another quarter of an hour
after which sour it with borscht juice and pour in a little bit of oil. In Romania
we use borscht to sour dishes, but you can also use lemon juice or vinegar.

off the fire and sprinkle the dish with finely-chopped parsley leaves.

Stuffed zucchinis with rice is a main course
here in Romania and to cook it you need about 6-8 zucchinis, a cup of rice, a
tomato, an onion and a bunch of parsley. After you have washed and cleaned the
zucchinis, scoop them out with a teaspoon.

And now the filling. Finely chop the onion
and briefly sauté it in oil. The cubed tomato is placed upon the sautéed onion
but you can also use tomato juice. Next pour in the rice, add a little bit of
water and leave the pot to simmer for a couple of minutes. Add next some finely
chopped parsley leaves, black pepper and a little bit of salt. Stuff the
zucchinis with this mixture and place them preferably on a baking tray in which
you have poured a little bit of water first. Bake the dish for about half an
hour and serve them shortly after they have been taken out of the oven
preferably with some sour cream or yogurt on top.

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