The International Burger Day was celebrated this week, actually on Tuesday, May 28th. The burger is a dish that has become...
In the areas where shepherding is a traditional occupation, a specific type of gastronomy has developed, including dishes made especially...
Garden orache is very popular in Romania at this time of the year.
On March 9, Orthodox Christians hold the feast of the 40 martyrs of Sevastia, in Armenia, while Catholics have the feast of the 40 soldier martyrs of...
Lent starts next week for Orthodox believers who, for the following seven weeks are not allowed to eat meat
In traditional cooking we often encounter dishes cooked in clay pots, glazed or unglazed.
In February, the region around the historic city of Sibiu holds the honorary title of European Gastronomic Region, awarded by the International Institute for Gastronomy, Culture, Arts, and Tourism
In a guest house in the village of Alunis, in Prahova County, besides the traditional dishes, guests are served with a large variety of desserts, including the so called Tarnici de alunis
Pork dishes, based on fresh cabbage or sauerkraut, are a constant presence in Romanian cuisine
The Romanian tochitura, which is a kind of stew, is a typically Romanian dish made all around the country
In traditional households, lard is obtained around Christmas, because that is when people slaughter the pigs they raise in their households. It is...
Meat jelly or aspic is one of the specific dishes for the winter holidays in Romania
The New Years party in Romania has its specific food, stemming from both traditional countryside and more recent traditions