The city of Fagaras played host recently to an event occasioned by the discovery of a 17th century cookbook sponsored by a Hungarian noblewoman who...
A province situated between the Danube and the Black Sea, Dobrudja boasts a kind of cuisine with powerful Oriental influences owing to the Turkish...
Dobrogea is the Romanian region between the Danube and the Black Sea, and has a very colorful history and population, a veritable melting pot of...
Dishes could be tasty even when they are exclusively made of vegetables. During various religious fasting periods observed during the...
The simplest of recipes is eggplant puree, which, for reasons unknown, is called ‘eggplant salad’ in Romanian. Pick a few medium sized eggplants...
Courgettes Courgettes, also known as zucchini, have a wide variety of uses. One very easy to make dish is fried courgettes....
Green or yellow, round or flat-shaped, string beans are mostly used in combination with other vegetables. However, the string beans can also be used...
At the end of last week, an open-air museum in Dumbrava Sibiului hosted a cooking contest. Five families took part in the contest in which they were...
One suggestion involves 3 kg of apricots and one kilogram of sugar. Wash and pit the apricots, then put them into a deep soup pot covered in sugar...
A fish species which lives in clean and richly oxygenated mountain waters, trout can be cooked in various ways, and it is on the menus of many high...
Traditionally, this is the time to make cherry preserve in order to enjoy this wonderful fruit in the coming winter, but also to make various sweets...
Today we'll be cooking chicken ragout, a traditional Romanian dish that is easy to prepare since you don't need too many ingredients. You...
During the summer, Romanian markets are full of vegetables. One of the most popular being string beans. Either green or yellow, round or flat-shaped,...
Todays culinary proposal is a shepherd dish,which has found popularity in the menus of restaurants all over the country, known as ‘bulz. It is...
Spinach can be found fresh in markets in the spring months and in early autumn. Nutritionists recommend it fresh, in salads and in juices, as...