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Changing command at the anti-missile defence facility in Deveselu

A brief look at the latest developments on NATO's Eastern Flank


, 18.12.2024, 14:00

The new commander of the U.S. Aegis Ashore Missile Defence System Romania, also known as USAAMDSRO, is the US Commanding Officer Robert Foster. He took over the command of the aforementioned facility from Commanding Officer Matthew Iwanczuk, during a change of command ceremony held in Deveselu, southern Romania, sources with the US Sixth Fleet have announced. Iwanczuk took command in September 2023. Commander Foster was born in Tennessee and earned his commission from the United States Naval Academy in 2007. He served as executive officer aboard the USS Fort Lauderdale and most recently served as the staff of Commander, Naval Force Atlantic.

At the change of command ceremony, Robert Foster said quote, “for the last 75 years, NATO has been a cornerstone of an international order based on rules where diplomacy, not force, is the means of resolving conflicts. Too many would use violence or the threat of violence to coerce others into accepting their demands. We exist so any such strike would be blunted, and in doing so make those considering such action doubt their ability to achieve their aims by violence” unquote.

USAAMDSRO is under the operational control of the US 6th Fleet based in Naples, Italy and is part of the European Phased Adapted Approach (EPAA), which protects NATO Allies and U.S. deployed forces in the region. This land-based missile defence facility is designed to detect, track, engage and destroy ballistic missiles in flight outside the atmosphere.

NSF Deveselu provides essential support to USAAMDSRO in core mission areas such as safety, security and quality of life and works with the Romanian 99th Military Base to ensure the security and safety of the USAAMDSRO site.

In another development, the US ambassador in Bucharest, Kathleen Kavalec, and the Romanian Defence Minister, Angel Tîlvăr, have visited Airbase 57 in Mihail Kogălniceanu (south-eastern Romania), where they met the US, Romanian, Spanish and French servicemen deployed there and also with part of the military attaches of NATO countries accredited. The two officials showed interest in the stage of the development works of the Mihai Kogalniceanu airbase part of a 2.5 billion euro project unfolding on 20 years. It was ambassador Kavalec’s fourth visit at the aforementioned base and she had several precise objectives.

«First I came here to meet with the US troops serving here on a rotational basis at this airbase and to see how they are doing. Second to see the progress that is being made as Romania is investing quite a bit of funds to improve this important airbase, which is among the most important in NATO, which helps the eastern flank, the Black Sea area. So, it is very exciting to see the progress that it’s being made in expanding the base and the capabilities not only to serve as a launching pad in airbase but also to house troops, including American troops. Today I had the opportunity to meet with American troops, but also with Spanish, French and Romanian troops. So that is one of the reasons that I am here.  In this particular visit we met with NATO attaches, military attaches who are here, also to get a briefing on the improvements that have been made and the progress in expanding the base and to discuss some of the common challenges that we all face as NATO allies. And finally I am here just to wish and thank all of the Romanians who are making this possible to thank them for the efforts and wish them happy holidays in this season.”

Roughly 4 thousand US troops are presently serving on a rotational basis at the Airbase 57 in Mihail Kogalniceanu and when the project is finished the base will be able to house nearly 10 thousand troops.



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