For the soldiers of the 5th Dragoon Regiment from France, deployed to Romania, “Only victory is dignifying!”
NATO's eastern flank, strengthened though recent training exercises
The chief of operations of the NATO Battle Group in Romania, Lieutenant-Colonel Guillaume Renault, has recently completed his first rotation in Romania.
Steadfast Dart 25 is one of NATO's most important joint drills this year
Colonel Thierry Denechaud took over the command of the Allied Battle Group in Romania, in a ceremony at the Cincu National Training Center
Romania has increased the number of militaries as part of NATO battle groups of the Alliance’s eastern flank.
A brief look at the latest developments on NATO's Eastern Flank
US Army forces taking part in the Southern Shield exercise carried in Romania.
Spanish F18 Hornet aircraft are hunting drones in the sky of Romania, within NATO’s airspace.
On November 4th through 9th, Romania’s Naval Forces took part in the POSEIDON 24 multinational exercise, organised by Bulgaria in its...
The multinational exercise Dacian Fall 2024 of the Command of the Multinational Division Southeast took place between October 14-31 in the Getica National Joint Training Center in Cincu (in central Romania).
Wide-scope multinational exercises carried in training ranges across Romania
Urban warfare training, jointly held with Romanian Army's NATO allies
The South-East Multinational Corps in Sibiu (central Romania) has recently played host to the 25th edition of the Land Corps’ Commanders Conference.
US strategic partner's upbeat assessment of Romanian Marines