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Preparations from Moldavia
Close-Up 05.03.2017

Preparations from Moldavia

In this edition of the cooking show we present you with preparations specific to the eastern region of Moldavia, which has its specificities,...

Preparations from Moldavia
Traditional fatback
Close-Up 26.02.2017

Traditional fatback

Today we will be talking about a preparation that is fundamental to traditional culture in Romania, as well as the rest of the Balkans,...

Traditional fatback
Soup from Bukovina
Close-Up 17.02.2017

Soup from Bukovina

Bukovina is a mountain region in northern Moldavia which used to be a mark of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which ruled it between 1775 and 1918....

Soup from Bukovina
Close-Up 12.02.2017


Polenta is traditionally made of corn flour boiled in water with a little bit of salt in a round cast-iron kettle. Along the centuries, in the...

Veal Soup
Close-Up 05.02.2017

Veal Soup

The holidays are over, and the heavy and plentiful meals can take their toll. Sour soups are a popular remedy for this, and the choice souring agent...

Veal Soup
Potato dishes
Close-Up 30.01.2017

Potato dishes

During winter, sauerkraut, dried beans and potatoes figure more prominently on Romanian tables, which dates back to a time when all produce...

Potato dishes
Veal Stew Mountain Style
Close-Up 22.01.2017

Veal Stew Mountain Style

This particular recipe was collected in the villages of the Apuseni Mountains, in the heart of Romania, and it is famous across the country. It is as...

Veal Stew Mountain Style
Giblet Soup and Aspic
Close-Up 08.01.2017

Giblet Soup and Aspic

Today’s show will once again be about the kind of dishes that Romanians enjoy more often around the holidays. This particular recipe is for a type...

Giblet Soup and Aspic
New Year Dishes
Close-Up 30.12.2016

New Year Dishes

The New Years party in Romania has its specific food, stemming from both traditional countryside and more recent traditions. Most of the main dishes...

New Year Dishes
Dried Bean Dishes
Close-Up 18.12.2016

Dried Bean Dishes

Dired beans is a majort ingredient in Romanian cooking, especially during the cold season. You can make a traditional soup, sometimes served in a...

Dried Bean Dishes
Recipes of Transylvania
Close-Up 02.12.2016

Recipes of Transylvania

Todays Cooking Show takes you to the west of Romania, to its largest province, Transylvania, which showcases heavier cooking, displaying central...

Recipes of Transylvania
Roast chicken with quinces
Close-Up 27.11.2016

Roast chicken with quinces

We invite you to experiment a recipe from the Romanian region of Wallachia, alternatively known as Muntenia, the southern-most territory...

Roast chicken with quinces
Vegetable stew
Close-Up 11.11.2016

Vegetable stew

Romanians, just like many other Balkan people, eat a lot of pork around the winter holidays. However, a lot of people feel the need to lay off the...

Vegetable stew
Pumpkin soup
Close-Up 06.11.2016

Pumpkin soup

The American way to celebrate Halloween seems to be gaining ground in Romania. Pumpkin is often centre stage on TV, when we get a piece of...

Pumpkin soup
Close-Up 30.10.2016


Today’s dish is traditional for the autumn in Romanian households, which traditionally prepare for winter by making a wide variety of pickles and...



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