Early summer is when markets in Romania are teeming with the new harvest of potatoes.
The Cooking Show -- 03/06/2018 Green peas are originally from Asia, and they were adopted by Greeks...
Dobrogea is a Romanian territory located between the Danube River and the Black Sea, in southeastern Romania
Doughnuts are a very popular and easy-to-make dessert. All you need is half a kilo of flour, a little oil, fresh or dried yeast, sugar, and a pinch...
Doughnuts are a very popular and easy-to-make dessert.
Lamb Soup and Lamb Stew with Spring Onion and Garlic
At this time of the year Romanian Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter, the week beginning with the Christian feats of Easter and culminating with...
In a gastronomy almanac published over three decades ago we found a recipe for baked mushrooms and rice. You need half a kilogram of mushrooms, 100 g...
A historical region situated in northeastern Romania, Bukovina, is famous first and foremost for its churches and fortified monasteries,...
Influenced by the Hungarian and Austrian cuisine, the historical region of Maramures boasts many delicious soups and sour soups, known as...