Romania won their first European Championship match in 24 years
RDW’s international exhibition this year offers a wide array of projects
An overview of recent military exercises hosted by Romania
A talk with historian and researcher Andrei Răzvan Voinea from Studio Zona
A report from the International University Fair (IUF) 2024
A talk about the shape and color of wine bottles with one of Romania's most knowledgeable wine experts
Discover the lives of migrants living in Romania
Team Roboped won the latest edition of the "Solve for Tomorrow" robotics contest organized by Samsung Electronic Romania
A new initiative from Terre des hommes Romania
L'Oréal Romania has announced the laureates of its Young Talents Romania program for 2023.
A local association takes steps to improve community standards to the benefit of their children
An overview of the main elements of this multifaceted war with far-reaching rammifications
Romania is at the frontline in terms of assistance provided to Ukrainian refugees