The minister for the relation with the Romanian Diaspora Dan Stoenescu assures the Romanians in Great Britain that there is no imminent change in their situation/ The leaders of the EU founding states have met in Berlin to discuss Brexit
For many years now, Germany has been Romanias main trade partner and the third-largest investor in this country, and the development potential...
Romanias relationship with Germany is a privileged and strategic one, says President Iohannis.
The Day of Romanians Everywhere was celebrated on Sunday in Romania and in Romanian communities abroad.
Bulgaria and Romania might veto the EU Free Trade Agreement with Canada/Moscow and Minsk have agreed to draft joint measures in response to the installation of elements of the US anti-missile defence system in Europe
Orthodox and Greek Catholic believers the world over celebrate Easter/ Romanias Crown Princess Margareta is meeting with members of the Romanian community in Sweden/ The new UCC comes into force across Europe, as of today
Labour and finance ministry representatives are drafting a new emergency ordinance on public sector salaries in Romania.
Romania has met all the criteria for their Schengen accession and the European Union supports this move.
On May 1st, Romania, too, will introduce the Union Customs Code
The American Chamber of Commerce in Romania launches its Competitiveness Report.
Tens of thousands of people called Sunday, in Chisinau, for the union of the Republic of Moldova with Romania.
Gov't puts together action plan designed to help develop the rural middle class.
The Romanian Government decided on Thursday that pensioners with pensions below 872 lei, that is 195 euros, should be exempted from the payment of healthcare contributions.
The issue of phone interceptions in Romania remains a key concern for civil society, even today, 26 years since the fall of Communism.