Click here for a look at the Romanian-American relations after 1945
The Greek-Catholic Church or the Romanian Church United with Rome was established around 1700 in Transylvania, Banat, Crisana and Maramures, territories in the Hapsburg Empire inhabited by ethnic Romanians.
In the second half of the 19th century, Romanian physicians who had studied abroad, in Western Europe, founded medical treatment and education institutes to fight against disease and instruct doctors.
In Romania, the effects of Khrushchevs de-Stalinization rhetoric were contradictory
Some of the most popular jokes during the Communist regime were the ones featuring the fictional radio station Radio Yerevan
Eva Heyman, nicknamed Transylvanias Anne Frank, or the Anne Frank of Oradea, was one of the 1.5 million Jewish children to die in the Holocaust. She...
The paratrooper forces are a relatively new army in military history, being closely linked to the development of aviation
On December 30, 1947, King Michael I was forced to abdicate by the communist government and to go into exile. A new form of government in the history of Romania was installed, a republic, but an illegitimate one, in terms of being imposed
Since its creation in 1928, Radio Romania has not missed any of the important events in Romanian history
In the 1930s, racism was one of the vilest forms of discrimination and persecution applied by states
Earlier that year, Romania had been occupied by the Central Powers’ armies and its image was tainted by the separate peace treaty it concluded in...
The question of Moldovas status as an autonomous state dates back to 1812, when Bessarabia was first annexed by Russia
The Jewish organization subsequently expanded its relief missions to Jews living in other countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Its benefactors...