Romania is stable and stands by its international commitments despite the crisis - this is the message conveyed at the annual meeting of Romanian diplomats.
Save Romania Union and PLUS Alliance, the second largest party in the ruling coalition, steps down from government.
In Romanian politics, centre-right coalitions have been known to work with difficulty or not at all. It hasn't even been a year since the National...
A new type of fraud has been discovered in Romania, fake vaccination
The Education and Health ministries have decided, by joint order, the way in which the school year will unfold, in the context of the pandemic.
Meal vouchers and lottery tickets are among the measures taken by the Romanian government to encourage vaccination.
Romania has joined the international Crimea Platform
Sibiu plays host to the 38th International Theatre Festival
As Romania cannot avoid the pandemics fourth wave, authorities are moving to step up the vaccine rollout
The government takes responsibility for implementing the presidential project “Educated Romania
PM Florin Cîţu will act as interim finance minister, after removing Alexandru Nazare from office
The state of alert in Romania has been extended by another 30 days starting Saturday
The Government in Bucharest this week voted for an extension of the state of alert in Romania by another 30 days. Maintaining the state of...
Romania begins administering the Covid vaccine to 12- to 15-year-olds.
Starting next month, the government is lifting a new series of COVID-related restrictions