NOTA 1 - 24/03/2022 This year the government earmarked 3% of the GDP to support the economy and citizens
Romanian authorities are preparing a national plan for Ukrainian refugees
Romania's president and prime-minister went to Chisinau to discuss the Ukrainian refugee crisis
The Romanian authorities have intervened to remove fears of a food crisis.
Fuel market settles after Romanian authorities halt attempts by some suppliers to take advantage of rising oil prices.
The Government has adopted a new set of measures to support Ukrainian refugees
The Romanian Senate green lighted the draft law on dismantling the controversial Section Investigating Criminal Offences within the Judiciary.
Figures say the pandemic is on a downward trend in Romania
Romania supports the diplomatic resolution of the Ukranian crisis and is ready for any scenario should diplomatic negotiations fail
A government order making wearing of face masks obligatory in outdoor spaces is declared unconstitutional.
Divisions within the Save Romania Union and a violent incident in Parliament dominate the local political scene.
A former technocratic prime minister of Romania and a European commissioner for agriculture, Dacian Cioloş resigned as president of the...
Bucharest gives up the colour codes for COVID-19 infection risks
European countries are beginning to lift the tight rules that have governed the fight against the pandemic. Denmark becomes the first...
A look back at the top stories in Romania this week.