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Newsflash 21.07.2013


For a roundup domestic and international news, click here.

Reactions to Fenechiu Case
Today in the News 15.07.2013

Reactions to Fenechiu Case

From regrets to excuses …These are some of the diverse reactions triggered by the prison sentence passed on the former Romanian transportation minister Relu Fenechiu.

Reactions to Fenechiu Case
Romania- France, remarkable economic cooperation
Today in the News 12.07.2013

Romania- France, remarkable economic cooperation

The French PM Jean-Marc Ayrault has recently paid a visit to Romania during which he met with high-ranking Romanian officials.

Romania- France, remarkable economic cooperation
Newsflash 12.07.2013
Newsflash 12.07.2013

Newsflash 12.07.2013

For a round-up of domestic and international news, click here

Newsflash 12.07.2013
Romania has a new law on the statute of MPs
Today in the News 11.07.2013

Romania has a new law on the statute of MPs

The new law on the statute of MPs has come into force, after being signed into law by the president.

Romania has a new law on the statute of MPs
Turmoil in Egypt
Today in the News 09.07.2013

Turmoil in Egypt

A look at the Dramatic Situation in Egypt

Turmoil in Egypt
The Week in Review 1-7.07.2013
The Week in Review 06.07.2013

The Week in Review 1-7.07.2013

Click here, for a review of the headline grabbing events over the past week.

The Week in Review 1-7.07.2013
Lithuania, at the helm of the European Union
Today in the News 02.07.2013

Lithuania, at the helm of the European Union

‘Fewer promises, more results. That is the slogan of the authorities in Lithuania, the country that on July 1st took over the EUs presidency for the next six months.

Lithuania, at the helm of the European Union
The Rise and Fall of an Energy Project
Today in the News 27.06.2013

The Rise and Fall of an Energy Project

The Nabucco gas pipeline has lost the race for carrying natural gas extracted in the Caspian Sea to Europe.

The Rise and Fall of an Energy Project
National Mourning in Romania
Today in the News 26.06.2013

National Mourning in Romania

Wednesday was declared a day of national mourning in Romania in memory of the victims of the terrible bus accident in Montenegro.

National Mourning in Romania
Newsflash, June 21
Newsflash 21.06.2013

Newsflash, June 21

Click here for a roundup of domestic and international news.

Newsflash, June 21
The Revision of the Constitution and the Political Class
Today in the News 17.06.2013

The Revision of the Constitution and the Political Class

The parliamentary committee for the revision of the Constitution wants to complete the debate of all proposals to modify the Constitution by the end of the week.

The Revision of the Constitution and the Political Class
Romania, to host most powerful laser on the planet
Today in the News 14.06.2013

Romania, to host most powerful laser on the planet

The construction of the most powerful laser in the world is bound to begin shortly in Magurele, close to Bucharest.

Romania, to host most powerful laser on the planet
First Session of the Baccalaureate Begins
Today in the News 10.06.2013

First Session of the Baccalaureate Begins

Almost 190,000 high school graduates in Romania have registered for the first session of the graduation exam, the Baccalaureate.

First Session of the Baccalaureate Begins
Vanessa and Philippe Dupre
Expat in Romania 01.01.1970

Vanessa and Philippe Dupre

Philippe is a chef. He comes from Lyon, which gastronome Curnonsky described in 1935 as “the world capital of gastronomy”. With its over one...

Vanessa and Philippe Dupre


Muzeul Național al Țăranului Român Muzeul Național al Țăranului Român
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Institului European din România Institului European din România
Institutul Francez din România – Bucureşti Institutul Francez din România – Bucureşti
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Radio Prague International Radio Prague International
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SWI swissinfo.ch SWI swissinfo.ch
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creart - Centrul de Creație Artă și Tradiție al Municipiului Bucuresti creart - Centrul de Creație Artă și Tradiție al Municipiului Bucuresti
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Institutul Confucius Institutul Confucius
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