The Romanian authorities are continuing efforts for the total liberalization of the natural gas price.
It’s chess that brought Matthias Thesing from northern Germany to Romania. He is actually an international master of that sport of the brain....
The Romanian Government has adopted the final draft of the Transport Master Plan.
2014 was the year of records for the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, both in terms of the efficiency of prosecutors, and of the improvement of public confidence in this institution.
Two weeks after President Iohannis made a visit to Paris, Romania's Foreign Minister also travelled to France.
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Romanias foreign ministry launches new program aimed at providing correct information for Romanians abroad.
In Romania when someone taps his or her index finger on the cheek repeatedly this means in non-verbal communication “shame on you”. When you go...
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During his official visit to Paris, Romanias president Klaus Iohannis invited French president Francois Hollande to pay a visit to Romania.
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Romanias president Klaus Iohannis on Monday held his first speech in Parliament since he took office last year.
After the winter break, students go back to schools in Romania with a new school regulation code.