Thousands of taxis, trucks and buses blocked traffic for a few hours in Bucharest on Thursday.
Romania grabs a surprising win over Denmark,31-30
Moodys has improved Romanias rating from stable to positive/ The Romanian Parliaments specialist committees continue debates on the state draft budget for 2016, with a final vote being expected on Wednesday
The bills on the state budget and social security budget for 2016 were passed by the Romanian Government and sent to Parliament for debate and approval.
Prepositions and prepositional usage in Romanian
The main developments of the past week in Romania
Romanias Parliament held a special meeting to celebrate the Great Union of 1918.
Romanians everywhere celebrated their National Day on December 1
Discrimination is not perceived as an obstacle by the immigrants living in Romania.
Basic vocabulary related to the Great Union Day
Green Business Index is a project of the Green Revolution Association in Romania started in 2010.
Highlights of the 2015 Gaudeamus Book Fair which came to an end on Sunday.
I have been a shortwave listener since the mid 1980s. I enjoy shortwave, road cycling, science and astronomy. It's nice to be able to...