In Romania, especially in rural areas, there are still mothers and babies who die at birth.
Academic year opens in Romania; NATO multinational brigade forms in Romania
For more than 10 years now, an Orphan Bear Rehabilitation Center has been operational in the Hasmas Mountains, in Harghita County. At the center, orphan bears found by people in the Carpathians forests are monitored to be reintegrated into the wilderness
Aurochs are being reintroduced in Romania's Southern Carpathians
Romanian justice minister Raluca Pruna has given assurances that the government is looking into the problems reported by inmates and the prison staff.
The American official held talks with Radio Romania's President and Director General, Ovidiu Miculescu.
Romania's healthcare minister warns of major problems in the system, but says solutions can be found.
Finding a good job has in recent years become an impossible mission for many Romanians aged over 45.
Thank you for believing in short-wave radio and continuing to broadcast daily all of these years. I look forward to learning more about...
Excerpts from listeners' letters and messages
The priorities of Romanias foreign policy were presented at the annual meeting of Romanian diplomacy.
Paul B. Walker Jr, Galena, Alaska, USA: I am not making this up when I say that I think you are the best international...
Excerpts from letters and messages sent by RRI's listeners
Dancer, choreographer and stage director Razvan Mazilu has brought to the stage of the German Theatre in Timisoara famous scores such as 'Cabaret' or 'Money, Money'.