Dear listeners, we invite you to take part in a new prize-winning competition, entitled “A Contemporary of Brancusi: Milita Petrascu. The quiz focuses on celebrated Romanian artists, the famous sculptor Constantin Brancusi and one of his students.
Anders Fogh Rasmussen said that Russia's actions in Ukraine have determined a new security situation in Europe
We were happy to see that so many of you took part in the contest and that 606 RRI listeners sent in correct answers to our questions! Thank you for...
Dear friends, Radio Romania International invited you to participate, until March 15, 2014, in a prize-wining contest called “From the ‘Wine Route to the ‘Princes Route. The contest was devoted to the Prahova Valley, in southern Romania.
On February 13th, we will celebrate World Radio Day! Join us for this celebration and tell us, in less than 60 seconds, what radio means to you!
On February 13th, we will celebrate World Radio Day! Join us for this celebration and tell us, in less than 60 seconds, what radio means to you!
Dear friends, Radio Romania International continued its traditional end-of-year survey among short-wave listeners, Internet...
Among the nominees were anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela and young human rights activist Malala Yousafzai.
The 21st edition of the festival bearing the name of Romania’s greatest composer, unfolded between September 1st and 28th and offered 150 music,...
Radio Romania International continues its end-of-year traditional survey among shortwave listeners, Internet and social media users, challenging you to an exercise that, we hope, you will find thought provoking.
Radio Romania International continues its end-of-year traditional survey among shortwave listeners, Internet and social media users, challenging you to an exercise that, we hope, you will find thought provoking.
Dear friends, we invite you once again to participate in a new prize-wining contest here on RRI called “From the ‘Wine Route to the ‘Princes Route.
Here are the winners of RRI's contest George Enescu 2013