Tru mesulu mai, la Timișoara (vestul a li Românie), în cadrul a programului cultural Timișoara 2023: Capitală Europeană a Culturălei, si dişclise a 5-a ediție a Bienalălei Art Encounters, My Rhyno in not a Myth. Ediția actuală
Romaero hosted the first edition of the International Art Fair Bucharest - MoBU
The Georgian ambassador to Bucharest, Tamar Beruchashvili, says Romania and Georgia enjoy a centuries-old friendship, based on common traditions, religion, history, values and aspirations
A former Polish Minister for Social Policy and current President of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association, Mr. Pater has been elected EESC Vice-President for Budget
The symposium was hosted by the locality of Ambaji, the state of Gujarat, between January 19 and February 7, 2023.
Catinca Tabacaru Gallery hosts “Influence of the Unknown Zimbabwean artist Terrence Musekiwas third solo with the Gallery.
The president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky was designated The Personality of the Year 2022 on RRI by a huge margin.
The Ambassador of Armenia to Romania, Sergey Minasyan, has given an exclusive interview to RRI.
The Day of the Mediterranean provides a yearly opportunity to promote intercultural exchanges and celebrate cooperation.
The Ambassador of the State of Israel to Romania, Reuven Azar, has visited the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation and has given an exclusive interview to RRI.
The 7th meeting of the European Migration Forum took place in Brussels.
February 13 is World Radio Day (WRD)
Who should win 2021 Personality of the Year on RRI? Listeners have their say!
Sunday, the 7th of November 2021, is Listeners' Day on Radio Romania International