The Black Sea port of Constanţa has two new terminals.
Romania has launched the National Strategy for Combating Human Trafficking, an area in which it has been harshly criticized in international reports in the past.
On May 9, Bucharest and Chișinău celebrated peace and unity in Europe.
Experts anticipate that this year will be a very good one for Romanian automobile plants whose production increased, in the first three months, to almost 153 thousand units
The Romanians' voting intention ahead of the European Parliament elections in June has increased considerably as compared to five years ago.
The IMF revised downwards by one percent the estimate regarding the growth of Romania's economy this year.
The Defence Ministry in Bucharest marked two decades of NATO membership.
The strong winds have caused serious damage in Bucharest and in 13 counties across Romania.
Romania has less than two and a half years to fulfil all the objectives established under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan
The 'Madrigal - Marin Constantin' national chamber choir has filmed a video in Machu Picchu, a world premier for choir music
The Romanian Executive says Romania will meet the European requirements in order to get the money available through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan
The OECD has issued an Economic Survey of Romania, which includes the organization’s recommendations
Romania has the full support of Belgium, which is holding the presidency of the EU Council, to fully join free-movement Schengen area.